@Martillion wrote:
ZigZag data structures, a project by Ted Nelson. Does anyone have any experience with this odd yet intruiging system? I've tried getting into it once, but have no idea what to use it for, and it's too inaccessible to learn by just playing around with it from my experience.
I've read quite a few papers, summaries, articles and watched a video or two, I feel like I understand the general principle, and I'm very much attracted towards Ted's idea of hyperconnectivity.
Ted's idea about this hyperconnectivity really strikes me as a very powerful way of thinking.
It was an experience of water and interconnection. I was with my grandparents in a rowboat in Chicago, so I must've been five years old and I was trailing my hand in the water, and I thought about how the water was moving around my fingers, opening on one side and closing on the other.
That changing system of relationships, where everything was kind of similar and kind of the same, yet different, that was so difficult to visualize and express. Generalizing that, to the entire universe, that the world is a system of ever-changing relationships and structures struck me as a vast truth, which it is!
So interconnection, and expressing that interconnection has been the center of all my thinking, and all my computer work has been about expressing and representing and showing interconnection among writings especially.
Writing is the process of reducing a tapestry of interconnection, to a narrow sequence, this is in a sense illicit, this is a wrongful compression of what should spread out.
[...incoherent Ted rambling about today's state of computers...]
So anyway, this is the problem of interconnection and representation and sequentialization all similar to the issue of water.
Excerpt taken from this interview
I feel like ZigZag structures capture his idea about these unimaginably big constantly changing systems of relationships fairly well, and I wonder what it would mean for my everyday life if I could manage some part of my life using this system (e.g. work, organizing notes, knowledge around a subject or something else...)
Opinions? Experience?
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